Bruno Siciliano

Professor — PRISMA Lab Director


Bruno Siciliano is Chair of the Scientific Council of the ICAROS Center and Director of PRISMA Lab, both at University of Naples Federico II. He is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, where he is responsible for the HuRoIn (Human-Robot Interaction) research area. He is also Honorary Professor at Óbuda University, where he holds the Kálmán Chair. Fellow of the scientific societies IEEE, ASME, IFAC, he received numerous international prizes and awards, and he was President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2008‒2009). He has delivered more than 150 keynotes and has published more than 300 papers and 7 books. His book “Robotics” is among the most adopted academic texts worldwide, while his edited volume “Springer Handbook of Robotics” received the highest recognition for scientific publishing: the 2008 PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics. He received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council.

  •  ​ +39 0817683179
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 2.12
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Human‒Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Medical Robotics

Vincenzo Lippiello


Vincenzo Lippiello is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he is responsible for the AerRob (Aerial Robotics) research area. He also leads the Robotics Lab and the Flying Arena. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, and he has been Program Committee member of some international conferences. He has published more than 140 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. He has participated to several European research projects, including FP7-SHERPA, H2020-HYFLIERS, H2020-AERIAL-CORE as principal investigator, and FP7-AIRobots, FP7-ARCAS, H2020-AEROARMS, H2020-AEROTRAIN as scientific responsible of the local unit.

  •  ​+39 0817683635
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  • ​ Bldg 3/A – Room 3.12
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robotics

Luigi Villani


Luigi Villani is Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he is one of the founders of PRISMA Lab and responsible for the IndRob (Industrial Robotics) research area. He has been Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, and Program Committee member of several international conferences. He has published more than 180 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. He is an author of the “Springer Handbook of Robotics”, co-author of 5 books, including the textbooks “Robotics” and “Fondamenti di Sistemi Dinamici". He has participated and has been responsible in various research projects funded by the European Union and by the Italian Ministry of Research.

  •  ​ +39 0817683861
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 2.15
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Medical Robotics

Fanny Ficuciello
Associate Professor


Fanny Ficuciello is Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where she is responsible for the MedRob (Medical Robotics) research area. She also leads the Medical Lab at the Interdepartmental Center for Advances in RObotic Surgery (ICAROS) and the Biomimetic and Biohybrid Robotics Lab (B2RL). She is Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics and the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, and she has been Program Committee member of some international conferences. She is in the Technology Committee of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), and she is the Treasurer of ASME Italy Section. She has published more than 90 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. She has participated to several European research projects. She has been principal investigator of a project funded by Compagnia di San Paolo.

  •  ​ +39 0817683916
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 2.11
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • AI & Cognitive Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction
  • Medical Robotics

Alberto Finzi
Associate Professor


Alberto Finzi is Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he is responsible for the AICRob (AI and Cognitive Robotics) research area. He was postdoctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, TU Wien, and NASA Ames Research Centre as a Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics, he cooridnates the robotics working group for the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA), and he has been Track Co-chair of some international conferences. He has published more than 90 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. He has participated to several research projects funded by the European Union and by the Italian Ministry of Research.

  •  ​ +39 081679253
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 3.23
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • AI and Cognitive Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robotics

Fabio Ruggiero
Associate Professor


Fabio Ruggiero is Associate Professor of Automatic Control and Robotics in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he is responsible for the DynLeg (Dynamic manipulation and Legged robotics) research area. He is Chair of the IEEE Italy RAS Chapter. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Robotics, and he has been Program Committee member of some international conferences. He has published more than 80 journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He has participated to several European research projects. He has been principal investigator of two projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Research.

  •  ​ +39 0817683843
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 3.26
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Industrial Robotics

Pierluigi Arpenti
Assistant Professor


Pierluigi Arpenti is an Assistant Professor at the PRISMA Lab within the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Naples Federico II, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering in 2021. He actively collaborates with the Autonomous Systems Research Centre at the University of Newcastle and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. Additionally, he serves as an associate editor for the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation and the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. He has published 17 journal articles and conference papers and has contributed to various research projects funded by the European Union and the Italian Ministry of Research.

  •  ​ +39 0817683843
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – Room 3.26
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Industrial Robotics

Riccardo Caccavale
Assistant Professor


Riccardo Caccavale is Assistant Professor at PRISMA Lab in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he received the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (2017). He has published more than 25 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters. He has participated to various research projects funded by the European Union and by the Italian Ministry of Research.

  •  ​ +39 0817683867
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – 2.11
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • AI and Cognitive Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction
  • Industrial Robotics

Laura Mecozzi
Assistant Professor


Laura Mecozzi is Assistant Professor at PRISMA Lab in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II. She received her Ph.D. degree in Materials and Structural Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II (2016). She was a Research Scientist with the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Parma (2018-2020). She has participated to several research projects funded by the European Union and by the Italian Ministry of Research. She is co-author of more than 30 journal articles and conference papers.

  •  ​ +39 0817683916
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – 2.11
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Medical Robotics

Mario Selvaggio
Assistant Professor


Mario Selvaggio is Assistant Professor at PRISMA Lab in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at University of Naples Federico II, where he received the Ph.D. degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (2020). He was intern with the Advanced Robotics Department at Italian Institute of Technology (2015‒2016). During his Ph.D. he was visiting scholar in IRISA at the INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Altlantique Research Centre. He has published more than 35 journal articles, conference papers and book chapters.

  •  ​ +39 0817683916
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  • ​  Bldg 3/A – 2.11
  • ​ ​personal webpage
  • Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics
  • Human–Robot Interaction