- Fanny Ficuciello ― Medal of Merit and Civic Commitment, Carlo La Catena Association, Naples, Italy, December 2024.
- Fanny Ficuciello ― Visioni Resilienti Award, Jazz’Inn 2024, Merano, Italy, October 2024.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to AAIA Fellow, October 2024.
- Bruno Siciliano ― 2024 IEEE RAS Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award for fundamental contributions to robotics research in the areas of manipulation and control, human–robot cooperation, and service robotics, March 2024.
- Fanny Ficuciello ― The project PRISMA-I-PRO has received the award for the second place at Innovation Village Award 2023, Naples, November 2023.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Calliope's Night, for the enthusiasm with which he carries out his profession promoting, through the own example, human and professional values, November 2023.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Masaniello Award, Neapolitans protagonists, October 2023.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to AIIA Fellow as top scientist with outstanding achievements in the area of human–robot cooperation,
August 2023. - Mohamed Sallam, Giuseppe Andrea Fontanelli, Fanny Ficuciello ― The paper "Towards a Robotic Surgical Needle Driver with Rolling Capabilities" has received the Best Presentation Award at the 12th Conference on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS 2023), Paris, France, September 2023.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Engelberger Award for Education, for contributing to the advancement of the Science of Robotics in the Service of Mankind, June 2022.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Giovan Battista Basile Special Career Award, for his very high merits in the field of automation studies, thanks to which he has given new luster to the centuries-old tradition of excellence of scientific research in Campania, November 2021.
- Bruno Siciliano ― IFAC Pavel J. Nowacki Distinguished Lecturer for 2020‒2023.
- Sunny Kumar Katyara, Fanny Ficuciello, Darwin Caldwell, Fei Chen, Bruno Siciliano ― The paper “Reproducible Pruning System on Dynamic Natural Plants for Field Agricultural Robots” has received the Best Paper Award at the 13th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics held in Innsbruck, October 2020.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Pizza Science Award 2019 for having combined advanced robotics research with Neapolitan art of making pizza during the #PizzAward event held in Naples, November 2019.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Rudolf Kálmán Professor Title, Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, August 2019.
- The MUSHA project by Fanny Ficuciello with Mario Selvaggio, Umberto Bracale, Huan Liu, Satwinder Singh and Andrea Fontanelli, has received the Switch 2 Product Innovation in Bioengineering Award at the 6th National Congress of Bioengineering held in Milan, June 2018.
- The RoDyMan project by PRISMA Lab has been honored as Maker of Merit at the Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 4.0 held in Rome, December 2017.
- Jonathan Cacace, Mario Selvaggio ― The video “Making a pizza: a robotic approach" has received the First Runner-up Award in the "Robotics Made in Italy" video contest, promoted by the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Italian Chapter, November 2017.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Honorary Professor of Óbuda University for his outstanding achievements in improving and increasing the international quality of education, scientific research and academic activities of Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, September 2016.
- Martin Crespo, Alejandro Donaire, Fabio Ruggiero, Vincenzo Lippiello, Bruno Siciliano ― The paper “Design, Implementation and Experiments of a Robust Passivity-based Controller for a Rolling-balancing System” has received the Best Paper Award at the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics held in Lisbon, July 2016.
- Diana Serra ― The project entitled “Robot control for nonprehensile dynamic manipulation tasks” has received the Best Ph.D. Project Award at the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics held in Lisbon, July 2016.
- Bruno Siciliano ― 2015 Guido Dorso Award for the “University” section. This award recognizes every year those fellows who have contributed their work to support the needs of development and progress of Southern Italy. Distinguished fellows from the political, economic and cultural world received the award in the past years, including two Nobel prizes.
- Fabio Ruggiero ― 2015 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Italian Chapter (I-RAS) Young Author Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Visual grasp planning for unknown objects using a multifingered robotic hand”, co-authored with Vincenzo Lippiello, Luigi Villani and Bruno Siciliano published in the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics in June 2013.
- Bruno Siciliano ― 2015 IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation for his outstanding leadership in the robotics and automation community as a research innovator, an inspired educator, a dedicated contributor of professional service, an ambassador of science and technology.
- Rafik Mebarki, Vincenzo Lippiello, Bruno Siciliano ‒ The paper "Image moments-based velocity estimation of UAVs in GPS denied environments" has received the Best Paper Award at the 12 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics held in Toyako.cho, Hokkaido, Japan, October 2014.
- D. di Nocera, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa ― The paper "Attentional shifting and curiosity: A reinforcement learning approach" has received the Best Professional Paper Award at the 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence held in Recife, Brazil, September 2013.
- Bruno Siciliano ― IEEE RAS Distinguished Service Award for outstanding leadership and commitment in promoting robotics and automation and RAS as the number one Society in the field, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2010.
- E. Burattini, A. Finzi, S. Rossi, M. Staffa ― The paper "Monitoring strategies for adaptive periodic control in behavior-based robotic systems" has received the Runner-up Paper Award at the 2nd ECSIS Symposium on Learning and Adaptive Behavior in Robotic Systems held in Iasi, Romania, July 2009.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to IFAC Fellow for outstanding contribution to research and education on theory and application of automatic control to robotic systems, and for professional leadership in the field, May 2009.
- Bruno Siciliano ― PROSE Awards for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics, and for Engineering & Technology, Springer Handbook of Robotics, American Association of Publishers, Washington, DC, February 2009.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Award of IPE Alumni Association, Napoli, Italy, June 2008.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to IEEE Robotics and Automation Society President-Elect, October 2005.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Appointment as IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Distinguished Lecturer, May 2004.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to ASME Fellow, December 2002.
- Bruno Siciliano ― Election to IEEE Fellow for contributions to dynamic modeling and control of robotic systems and for leadership in robotics eduction, January 2000.