Between October and November 2024, Prof. Bruno Siciliano brought his research work and innovative visions to some of the most prestigious academic institutions and important international meetings. At the heart of the tour were the ERC Synergy Grant EndoTheranostics, a revolutionary project on robotized colonoscopy, and key topics such as the role of Artificial Intelligence and 5G for Interaction Technology.

During his presentations, Bruno addressed control challenges and advanced solutions for robotic manipulation, human‒robot cooperation, and service robotics. He also enjoyed technical visits and discussions with top researchers in the Boston area.

Invited lectures at academic institutions

The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Columbia University

Tandon School of Engineering
New York University

Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab
University of California, Berkeley

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department
University of Massachusetts Boston

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligent Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University

Robotics Engineering Department
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Boston University

Presentations at international meetings

800 Years of Culture and Innovation
Tata Center, Cornell Tech Campus

Operational Space Symposium
Stanford University

Technical visits

Boston Dynamics

The AI Institute

Boston Children's Hospital